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Want to learn how to do the MOST HEROIC ATTACK in CLAN WARS? or CLAN WAR LEAGUE?

During the ongoing war or after the war ends when you Open the clan war menu and see under the war details tab and see the featured battles category, do you see the Most Heroic Attack and Most Heroic Defense of both your and your opponents team? How does C.O.C determine these? Is it SKILL difference between the players? Or is it determined by the BASE WEIGHT between the players?

Well I am going to show you 2 answers for this question that you can follow if you want to Do the MOST HEROIC ATTACK and MOST HEROIC DEFENSE in the clan war. Although I would recommend yo to follow the second process.


Without further ado let's start-

1. It is determined by recommended on the map, so if your recommended target is number 15 and you attack (and win against) a player higher than your recommended target(say number 10), and no other player attacks someone same positions higher than their recommended target, then you get Most Heroic Attack.

Most Heroic Defense is if you win a defense against a player who attacked the lowest compared to his/her recommended target, for example a player in the other clan has a recommended target 5 higher than you are. If he attacks you and loses, and nobody else got attacked by a player that has a recommended target 5 higher than they are, you get Most Heroic Defense.

2. The most important factor is the TIME.All you need to do is collect your first or second star as soon as possible for the Most Heroic Attack. Similarly, for the Most Heroic Defense all you need to care is that the opponent attacker is not able to do what i just said. For MHA you have to attack someone of your same level or higher than you. And for MHD you have to defend someone of your level or higher than you.

Let me explain what I just said with an example.

Suppose in a war of 10 vs 10, you are placed at 5.Now you are attacking on your mirror Town Hall or higher than your position.If during the attack, you are able to destroy your opponents town Hall within the first 60 seconds, then you can get the MHA tag, provided that someone else have not achieved the same fate with less time and more Town Hall difference Or BASE WEIGHT.

Similarly, in case of MHD, your base have to withstand the onslaught from a higher Town Hall Or higher BASE WEIGHT, for the first 60 seconds without losing your own town Hall.

Another thing you can consider along with the above points is the BASE WEIGHT OF THE TROOPS used(and that includes spells &Heroes).

So in short, for a successful MHA tag you have to destroy opponent's Town Hall within the first 60 seconds with less troops used provided that you are not attacking someone of lower level than you.

And for a successful MHD tag you have to Successfully defend opponent's attack on your Town Hall within the first 60 seconds with less defenses triggered provided that you are not being attacked by someone of lower level than you.

I hope I have been able to clear out your doubts.


Few terms-

MHA--Most Heroic Attack

MHD--Most Heroic Defense

BASE WEIGHT-- The Summation of all the levels of your defenses along with traps, bombs and other defending structures.

BASE WEIGHT of TROOPS--The Summation of all the levels of your troops along with Heroes and Spells.


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