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The role of SPORTS in building a career

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

None is born with a manual, if you consider life to be a maze. Yet somehow, you must live your life. One most fascinating thing that life has is there are clues hidden everywhere. Life is like a goldmine, you just need to know the right place to look at.

Most of the people in our society believes that only traditional education adds values to our career. Knowledge increases decision-making, which is valued for personal and professional life. However, a balanced attitude to living can often include athletics and, as any athlete knows, physical education is not just about dominance in games and controlling anger. The fact is sports teaches us life lessons in a unique manner worthy of remembrance. It also provides functional and social skills that will be quite beneficial both on and off the field.

The basics things we learn from sports are:-

1. Team Work

There is no I in a team work. Learning to work together with others and praising how diverse talents can contribute to one goal is vital in every workplace and field. Realizing that a team's achievement is not merely on your shoulders is a lesson mostly applied to sports. This also carries over to the real world because working well with people will always be an important factor that will determine your success. Compromising with people you do not like is also an ability grabbed from sports. For example, a boat will only race at its fastest once all rowers travel in one rhythm, at the same time as a goal scored in football is the product of the skills of the whole team.

2. Leadership

From captaining your team in the field to becoming a leader of industry, evolving leadership qualities in sport is vital to any future occupation, whether you take charge or not. Tough decision-making about the team or the workforce, undergoing the capabilities to encourage, influence and lead your mates are the skills high in demand when you work globally. Sports teaches us to become role models from whom individuals are influenced to good effective work.

3. Time Management

It is very important for the students actively involved in sports and who still want a good academic grade. Juggling daily training schedules with the demands of lectures, conferences and projects (as well as maintaining a social life!) act as an indispensable practice for maintaining a work- life balance in the ‘real world’.

4. Competition & Sportsmanship

The desire to win and accepting defeat goes hand in hand and there is no better teacher than sports. There is always a strong determination of an athlete to taste success. However, to accept defeats and to move on is quite difficult, but is of great importance which helps in our life. Whether it shows you to brush off elimination or learn from your faults is your call, but gradually someday we all need to face that in our workplace.

5. Handling Pressure

From getting prepared for the big matches, to stepping forward to the start line of the final race, handling high-pressure situations is a natural phenomenon that happens in sports. While not all professions are high stress, firms always worth an individual capable of coping when times get hard. It includes being calm in an interview or meeting a short deadline.

6. Management & Responsibility

Sports clubs do not function by themselves. Some important tasks of committee members includes acquiring new equipment, raising funds and proper maintenance of the club. Thus, sports provides a brilliant environment to develop and undergo management skills before leaving the university.

7. Commitment

Finally yet importantly, no award is won without dedication, early starts and sacrifice. It is that shingle, willpower and devotion given by all university sportspersons to their sport that is treasured so highly by companies. Do not be afraid to highlight your sporting achievements, and enjoy the benefits. University is one of the few places where such a large and variety of prospects is available.

There is nothing more that inspires us to teamwork and trust than viewing sports of any of our choice. Though the players are very talented, still they need to trust the entire team to succeed. Sports has unlimited benefits to the mind and to the body and it also can teach us life lessons. Thus if you have not been a sportsperson in school, why not give a new something new a try? The main purpose of a sports development career is to encourage participation in sport. Without sportspersons, many people would never get the chance or the inspiration to get up, get out of the house and get involved with sporting activity.


Image source- Google


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