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ABORTION- one of the most complex Controversy

Updated: Jun 26, 2020


What is the first thing that comes in YOUR mind after hearing this word ? For me particularly its a curse and a crime. The baby or foetus is not bought from a market that it can be disposed anytime.

Abortion is the most controversial issue having no grounds of agreement amongst two polar aspects. The argument is a life and death issue though the uncertainty of complication makes it difficult. I don’t believe in abortion because it is killing of a new life. We are not the Supreme Force that can decide whether the person that a woman gives birth to should live or die.

Reasons and Myths
In most cases Abortion is done if it's found that the baby is girl. Female foeticide has become an increasingly sensitive issue of concern in developing and underdeveloped countries.Abortion for rape is another controversial topic. Babies born of this act 7 lqq not intended since the sexual act is forced. Many say killing these babies is okay but is it? Pro-life is a group that goes against abortion. They claim human life begins at conception. They believe the unborn deserve life. Even for rape, they believe the child shouldn’t be punished for a wrong act.

Laws and Measures

3.4 million (22%) of these took place in health facilities,11.5 million (73%) were done through medical methods outside facilities, and 5% are expected to have been done through other methods. The study further found the abortion rate at 47 abortions per 1000 women aged 15-49 years.

The government, on August 2, 2019, told the Delhi High Court in an affidavit that it was working on a draft legislation to amend the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971. The bill had been sent for inter-ministerial consultation. The affidavit was filed in response to a petition submitted by activist Amit Sahni, demanding changes in the existing law. The petition challenged Section 3(2)(b) of the existing Act, demanding the pregnancy period for abortions to be raised to 24-26 weeks from 20 weeks, in case of a health risk to the mother or the foetus.

Section 3(2)(b) restricts the length of pregnancy termination period to 20 weeks and requires two medical practition

ers to have the opinion that continuance of pregnancy would subject the foetus or the mother to considerable risk. It is applicable in case of pregnancies exceeding 12 weeks but not 20 weeks. Another section, 3(2)(a), requires that in case of pregnancies not exceeding 12 weeks, abortion can be performed only if a medical practitioner forms an opinion that continuance of pregnancy would endanger the mother or the foetus’ life. Challengers demand that the requirement of a medical practitioner’s opinion be struck off.

The debate has become a political and legal issue in some countries with anti-abortion campaigners seeking to enact, maintain and expand anti-abortion laws, while abortion-rights campaigners seek to repeal or ease such laws while expanding access to abortion.

Abortion laws vary considerably between jurisdictions, ranging from outright prohibition of the procedure to public funding of abortion. The availability of safe abortion also varies across the world.

Some women gets married to a house where the wives are tortured till they have their miscarriages. Isn't it something like indirect abortion? Torturing till they give up and bleed to death ?

Where we stand

In foreign countries Abortion can be taken casually and as well as adoption. In India abortion and adoption are still new concepts.

These sensitive issues are considered highly private matters of discussion and seldom out in public. Its high these issues are discussed freely with an open mind. Even talking aloud can be a shameful act in this so called "Society".

Until and unless we can accept the way we live, the society can never accept us. We should be as modern citizens free enough to discuss and discourse on these topics with rational thinking.

Thank you---


Document Edited by - Pen Down Thoughts Team

Image source - Google

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