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Updated: Jun 17, 2020

Life of an engineer !!

“Your son/daughter is an engineer……….awww”- it has  become a common saying amongst our relatives, neighbours and even if you go out and meet people on any occasion. Broo’ (official) its not a word its an emotion of every engineer having lots memories linked with . It's a fact that about 60% of the students choose engineering as their dream job. If we look into our house from decoration to floor platting all is possible because of engineers. for those “every one can pursue engineering- chill broo  !!  it's not a matter of a joke or not spoon feeding a baby--- its engineering” ; 8 semester, 40+ subject , viva , practical, assignments, project, reading the whole book last night before the exam , it's all a part of engineering ......these are ALL ENGINEERING THINGS.

There is not one but many reasons for anyone who tends to choose engineering as their career option. But remember, choosing this stream is quite an easy task but working hard to make a successful career out of engineering is not everyone’s cup of tea.A lot of engineering aspirants explore the actual meaning of engineering only when they start pursuing the stream. However, there are a bunch of students, who already know exactly about what and how life would be at their chosen engineering college even before they start their journey. 

The Frustrated Engineer tells you about what Engineering is:

  1.  Once you start pursuing engineering, you start believing that your future is all set. But just right then, reality hits you hard and you then realise that after engineering, the engineer starts thinking what to do in the future.

  2. It doesn’t matter if you were a bright student at school. Because, happiness is only when you achieve 35% in exams at your engineering college which is at par with an A+.

  3. You would not understand the real importance of teamwork which you have studied in books so far unless you appear for engineering exams. Remember, according to engineers, teamwork is the only way you can pass your exams.

  4. The principles of self-study are not applicable in engineering as the resultant value of these become void.

  5.  Even after studying for months and weeks for your semester exams, the night just before the exam feels like a nightmare.

  6.  Everything is fair in love and war. A healthy competition always prevails in engineering studies and in matters of heart also, there is always tension and competition. 

  7. You cannot expect your director of the college to have a friendly chat with you.

  8.  Favouring your friend with a proxy in a class during your engineering studies is like offering water to a thirsty person in a desert.

  9. Canteenanteen is the only place where the real talent of engineers is explored.

  10. Attaining 75% in engineering is a delusion. Now you can imagine what a 100% attendance could mean to engineers .

Nothing is impossible for an engineer , he is multi-talented, He can help the needy people, he can innovate new technology, instant technology resource, prefer teamwork,even in case of an accident they can give the first treatment. To release stress they get addicted to drinks, weed and smoke, it's not their fault , it's the nature of engineering,too much workload.

Proud to be  an ENGINEER

“This job is a great scientific adventure. But it’s also a great human adventure.”



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