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THERIANTROPHY - Fact or Fiction ?

Amazon's Lion

"Does anyone know what Therianthropy is?", blurted out Samar. We were just taken aback; not because we had no idea of the word 'Therianthropy' but because it was Samar who asked. Samar is not a typical enormity you would say, but an introvert with ample hidden potentials. It is one of the reasons why he fits in our group of 8. We all have talents for film-making, be it small or big. Hence we lucratively completed 2 short films of genres adventure and mystery. And now we are discussing the theme for our 3rd short film. Amidst our discussion Samar asked this question. After a glare to everyone, Majhul our script writer asked,"what’s that?". Samar said,"Therianthropy means the ability of human beings to metamorphose into other animals. Well since this time our theme is supposed to be supernatural, let me tell you a true story in this context".

With that being said, he started his 'true story'. "One of my uncles worked at an animal preservation center located at Amazon basin in South America. There they work together for the sole purpose of saving the resident animals from the hand of poachers, hunters and even tribal living there. Many times they found injured animals like cascaras, armadillos, river otters, Jaguars, Ocelots,etc. They treated them and rehabilitated them so that they can live in the wild as they used to. To check on any illegal activities in amazon rain-forest, they had a regular petrol around it. On one such patrolling, uncle's team were shocked to death to find a lion lying unconscious below a broad sizable tree". With this he stopped to take a sip in his espresso.

Arshita, another member of our group; unable to suppress her anxiety, abruptly asked, "But how is it even possible to find lions in the Amazon basin? Lions especially live in sub Saharan Africa or places like Gir forest in our India. Then.......". Without letting her complete her speech Samar started again," What she said is the fact known to the world. We can never expect to find lions or tigers

in the Amazon rain-forest. That is why uncle's team were so surprised. But duty lies before curiosity. So they carried it to their center for treatment. The lion had different scratches on its paws and a large injury on its back. Probably because of any sharp weapon. Those indicated that it had a fierce fight with a hunter. Due to huge blood loss. But the source of the lion was still unknown. After a heated discussion, the only reason they could find was that it was left by a hunter himself. They thought that it was probably the hunter's pet or was probably mistakenly brought by any hunter while transporting it to somewhere. Apart from that, another shocking discovery was that the lion's structure was a little different. Its legs were longer than its main body. The mare had a blackish tone on it, paws were long and thin, and the tail was very small with no hairs on its tip. At another glance any one would understand it to be a teen with a lion costume on him. It was confusing for them. But they were stupor ed when they saw its DNA. According to my uncle, its DNA had surprisingly similar traits as that of humans and a little part of a lion. And more is that the lion trait in the DNA is considerably increasing. After two days the higher authorities came to investigate the matter. The lion was still unconscious. The saline and nutrients were continuously provided to it. This kind of event was literally the first to happen in the world. Then on the third day, the lion regained consciousness. It suddenly sat on its back and started looking around through the cage. It then started to scream and make different kinds of noises. Which was unknown as lions' voice. After great toiling when we did nothing, it probably gave up. But next day every one could hear a tapping sound. The lion used its nail to tap on the iron cage's floor at a rhythmic pace. No one could catch up this unusual behavior of it. But one of the higher-ups suddenly screamed "Its Morse code". Others including my uncle were stunned to hear a lion playing more code. That higher up person started to decipher the language. It ended as''I am Joseph Lane. I was an assistant professor at Smith in Harvard University. My professor discovered new thesis on Therianthropy. In order to enact the findings he illegally kidnapped a child for doing his experiments. I found that and reported to the police. As a result he was sacked out of the university. He then built a laboratory in the middle of a dense amazon and forcefully brought me there. He continued his experiments on me. Day after day I screamed in pain. At last i fell unconscious for the pain. When my eyes opened, I was lying on a structure with a full body filled with brown hairs, with a large nose and a mare on head. I was thrown into rage and attacked professor. But due to lack of energy I could not overpower him. He attacked me on my back with an Axe. But at last I managed to close the steel door of the laboratory and ran away. After that I just remembered seeing you guys.' Anyone who would hear this could never believe this. So happened to my uncle's team. But it was true that a peculiar lion himself said it was using blind men's code. At last after discussing with government, other scientists and also Harvard University, they understood it was true. So the task force was launched to find the laboratory. After two days of nonstop searching they found it in a huge crate on the ground. The steel door was opened to find an old human body with different animal specimens, skeletons, papers, etc. All had a foul smell of decay on them. There were different scratch marks and signs of struggle everywhere. An intense fight was evident. It was concluded that since there were no windows of other doors. The professor died due to suffocation and hunger. As the only steel door was locked from outside. There was a diary on the table. Which read ' I failed to prove the legendary Therianthropy theory. It is probably impossible to shape-shift into an animal and then return into the original form. At the deathbed I feel very sorry for my assistant who can never become a normal human again. Even his human morals and consciousness will disappear day by day. Probably he deserves this for his ill doing towards me and science.' If you go to South america's Zoological DE Cali zoo. Even today you could find him as a normal lion." With that Samar concluded his story.

The atmosphere turned melancholic.

I said," If people don't understand the meaning of science and humanity, our world can never be peaceful."

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