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In the midst of a terrible pandemic that ravaged the whole world and caused more than four lakh deaths worldwide, we have observed a lot of changes which have occurred after global lock-down. Azure skies,pristine water bodies are shining now,golden beaches ,return of flora and fauna to Mother Nature which has been exploited for several decades by humans for their selfish gain, finally got a chance to heal.

The virus which made the whole world go into a frenzy,shutting down all industries,factories,manufacturing units,offices and educational institutes has been a blessing in disguise for our environment. COVID succeeded in replenishing the diseased nature around us by eliminating human interference and we saw nature healing from our homes.Through our glass windows we saw clear blue skies emerging from smoke and dust ,we heard the melodious chirping of early morning birds in the break of the dawn ,we could finally feel and experience the resplendent beauty of nature that we had heard from our previous generations.

Out of all the surprising changes observed ,the most significant and exemplary case of Nature healing in absence of human intervention is certainly the repairing of the Ozone Hole .

The depletion of the ozone layer which has worried scientists for years has repaired itself this lock-down.The ozone layer which surrounds the earth and plays a crucial role in blocking harmful UV radiations of sun had undergone severe depletion in the later decades of twentieth century due to increased level of ozone depleting substances from industrialized nations especially. The COVID 19 lock-down has caused the the ozone layer to replenish in Antarctica by leaps and bounds and has stopped many worrying changes in the atmosphere of Southern Hemisphere.The UN's environmental agency has found that the ozone hole is rapidly healing itself following a drastic reduction in the use of ozone depleting substances.

Nitrogen dioxide pollution levels have plummeted particularly in China and Italy.Lock-downs have significantly reduced emissions and air pollution levels the world over.Air quality has improved by multi-folds due to lack of automobile emissions.Scenes worthy of a Disney film have surfaced-a mountain lion taking a nap in a tree in a residential area in Colorado,swans and dolphins gliding through waters of Venice,blue skies over China where the air is normally asphyxiated with smog,kangaroos wandering through the main roads in Australia.

Closer to home, the two mighty rivers of India- Ganga and Yamuna which could not be cleaned for decades despite numerous government schemes and efforts are now cleaner than ever as reportedly none of the waste water is being dumped in it. The lock-down has increased the self purification capacity of the rivers which goes a long way in contributing towards resource management and environmental sustainability .

With absolutely limited movement of vehicles on the roads,most of the metro cities in India are breathing clean and pure air with decreased emission of pollutants . Delhi ,the country 's capital where the air quality had become a nationwide concern have reported much lesser smog levels and satisfactory Air Quality Index.

As we sit at our homes and pray for the early arrival of the vaccine against the deadly virus ,let us not forget the the lessons we learnt this quarantine .We should all realize the immeasurable contribution of nature in our lives. Less wastage of water ,proper disposal of garbage ,checking the emission of gases from our cars and appliances -this steps will go a long way in building a healthier society and a sustainable future .

We can all play our parts , assume our responsibilities towards the environment and do our bit before the damage becomes irreversible . Little efforts go a long way in developing a better future and healthy environment for all.

"Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better "

-Albert Einstein.

--- Dyuti Mitra

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